Adventures with Beethoven
Scene Four
Hear the orchestra’s instruments.
Listen to Peter and the Wolf by Sergei Prokofiev, The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra by Benjamin Britten, or Bolero by Maurice Ravel. Each piece features different sections of the orchestra. Try to hear each instrument or section. What does the sound remind you of?
Discover some symphonies.
Listen to a symphony or two mentioned in the History of the Symphony section. Maybe try an older symphony and a newer one, or one for band. See which kinds you like best.
Explore Symphony No. 1.
Listen to Beethoven Symphony No. 1 and see if you can hear everything mentioned in the “What to Listen For” guide.
Listen to Meet the Orchestra.
Watch the Meet the Orchestra videos on the Skagit Symphony website to hear examples of woodwind and brass instruments. Draw a picture inspired by the sound of your favorite instrument.
Beethoven - where in Skagit Valley?